The 2019 Ty Halloween Range have just been released in the UK.

This years range is surely the most spooktacular! 

Meet the Beanies ……..

Hyde Owl Ty Beanie Boos

Silent flights onstarry nights

But you won’t see or hear me

I swoop right down to the groun

To snatch a meal I have found!

Birthday October 21st 

Seeds the Pumpkin Ty Flippables

I’m orange and sparkly with green shiny eyes

Try Flipping my sequins for a great big surprise

Birthday October 22nd

Cobb the Spider Ty Beanie Boos

Be careful how you step

Walk carefully to the door

Cause I might be there crawling

very slowly across your floor!

Birthday September 25th


 Omen the Bat Ty Flippables

Insects are my favourite food.

But you might think that’s very crude.

My shiny sequins catch the light

And dazzle bugs when I take my flight.

Birthday September 16th

Did you know that we now ship to the USA and Ireland. If you live in America and find a UK exclusive Beanie then we can deliver them to you in the USA. 

Feel free to get in touch go enquire about postage costs to the USA or Ireland. 

We very much hope that you enjoyed meeting the Ty Halloween range for 2019. 

Love Lynn –  Fairy Gift Mother

The Magical Gift Boutique




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